Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 77 12/26/09 Saturday

Luckily, Christmas was a blast with family. My stomach was cooperative and I enjoyed some DELICIOUS food for lunch and dinner. Ahhh, that makes me so happy. I even scored some leftovers from my aunt.

I see that I’m getting sparser with my writing again like the other blog, but there are days, especially like this week when I feel so lackluster and depleted of energy and motivation. Someone, (I forget who since I’m losing my memory) told me to try to at least write one line each day, even if it’s something like “I feel crappy today.”

In some ways, chemo is getting tougher. I guess the side effects are just cumulative. My hair thins more and more each day though I guess I still look fine. Shedding so much and losing clumps of hair in the shower everyday is driving me mad. It’s only a matter of time. Everyone is always so surprised so see that I still have hair and not all pale and sickly.

The nausea seems to get worse and last longer though I have yet to actually vomit. Whew. Came kinda close at 4am last night.

My stomach has so much trouble digesting food now and man that constipation sucks. The appetite part though does have a pattern. Which could be good or bad if I can’t actually eat certain foods since my stomach has veto power.

For this past chemo session, I had the misfortune of accidentally moving the IV needle when lugging the IV rack with me to the bathroom multiple times. This resulted in the chemo not going in correctly for a minute which BURNED. I had to get restuck on my other arm and now my left arm aches. The nurse said this would last up to 3 weeks and as long as my arm didn’t change color or swell up, I’d be fine. Holy crap!

The nurses suggested a port as did my aunt who had breast cancer. Ugh. We’ll see after those PET scans in January.

I also have a weird skin thing on my stomach. About a diameter of half an inch. I think it was a rash that I scratched and now won’t heal. The bf is so worried about it, but I figure it’s just a bad scar. Will have to remember to bring it up on Thursday for the follow up visit. Man, only 3 chemo sessions down and I’m already so sick of this. At least the blood tests have lessened. AND the doctors and nurses seem very positive about how I’m reacting to the chemo in terms of not having any serious side effects and losing all the swelling. I’ll try to focus on that for now.

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