Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 103 1/22/10 Friday

In counseling today, A brought up the C word and how it’s affected the bf and me. It allowed the bf to open up about his father in a way I hadn’t heard before. I started tearing up at his explanations of awkwardness with his dying father toward the end. It also showed me that in a way, I’m bringing up this grieving process in him that he never dealt with. It’s all so sad.

On a good note, counseling between us is still going really well in terms of no actual tears or hurt feelings shed yet! It’s still early, but I guess I was expecting some kind of battlefield at a certain point.

The indigestion and nausea still linger per usual but I’m looking forward to possibly going out for tea with a friend, after being a shut-in all week.

Day 102 1/21/10 Thursday

Everything still tastes disgusting and I still don’t feel too great. Thank you constipation and nausea. I haven’t left the house since Monday’s chemo session but will attempt to go to the support group. It’s funny how comfortable I’ve gotten in discussing how coffee will help my digestion and constipation or how when I sneeze hair falls off my head… with just about anyone who will listen. It’s like I’ve let go my inhibitions on certain topics or maybe I don’t care as much if I make other people uncomfortable?

At the support group last week, one lady said she didn’t want to tell anyone at all about her diagnosis while one of my favorite gals, M, said she “told anyone who had ears.” I was probably somewhere in the middle though closer to M. Might as well get it out there instead of hiding it right?

I also noticed that I’m getting more daring with the eating again. Like sushi (cooked stuff of course!) and sometimes seared stuff on my good weeks. Technically I only need to be careful when my white blood cell count is low, but it’s never been an issue yet.

While everyone was extremely happy for me about the chemo update, the bf seemed cautiously happy and wary. In fact, he felt that more than ever, we should be careful about me getting sick or in contact with germs so as to not derail the treatment schedule in any way. I guess I need someone like that looking out for me, but I hope this means he feels better overall about the severity of my condition.

Day 100 1/19/10 Tuesday

Wow, it’s my 100th day of living with this and I’ve spent it like a grumpy Rip Van Winkle. Slept in till nearly 1pm, took a nap from 5-7 and cranky about see-sawing between hunger and nausea/too-fullness. Haven’t done much today other than open all the exciting mail. Yup, that was the highlight of the day. I should pack, I should read, I should write more, and I should file. But whatever.

Day 99 1/18/10 Monday

Chemo is now more than half over! Whoo hoo! It was the fastest chemo treatment yet. It took just under 4 ½ hours instead of the usual 5+ hours. The bf came with me, once again, under pouring rain conditions. We both slept through a chunk of it, read magazines, and chatted a bit. The best part was that for the first time, the dacabarzine didn’t burn like hell. I don’t know whether they found a tougher vein or if it was more saline, but yay for the nurses!

The downfall, since nothing can be all that perfect, is that the nausea started especially early. It started today right after our afternoon nap. Bleh.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 96 1/15/10 Friday

What an eventful day! First the bf and I FINALLY started counseling together. The original purpose was to help him with the caregiver support type grief counseling. But now I think it’ll also help us with all of our stupid little problems and become more of a couples counseling too.

After the counseling, I trekked back out to Pasadena again for the doctor’s visit and the results of my PET scan. I got the BEST NEWS EVER! Apparently most of the lymph nodes have shrunk back down to normal and the metabolic rate of the cancer is near negative! That means, she’s reducing the amount of chemo to 4 more sessions. Then a month of radiation. I nearly started crying at the office when she told me. Instead of 4-6 more months of chemo, it’s only two!!!

Of course there will be scans and blood tests every 3 months for the next three to five years or so, but I’m half way done! I’m almost in shock that I might not get to be taken care of by these wonderful nurses so soon.

Day 94 1/13/10 Wednesday

PET/CT scan day! The PET scan is no fun, on account of wanting to throw up when you first go in the machine, but I survived.

It reaffirmed to me how much I love like 95% of my health care team. Joe, the tech, not only remembered me, he also remembered that my veins were tough to get an IV in on the first try. He also got my thank you card, saying other than his immediate family, mine was the only other card he got.

I have to admit, though I’m good with thank you cards, I never thought to thank my doctors or techs until all of this happened. And now that I think of it, why don’t we all do that more? I know they’re doing their job, but I imagine like every other job, a little appreciation goes a long way and hey, helps the patient too!

Day 92 1/11/10 Monday

I am restless but may have overbooked myself for the rest of the week in overcompensating for the past week of inactivity. My right arm inexplicably aches. Hopefully the chiropractor will be able to help me out with all the bizarre aches and pains I’ve been getting.

The PET/CT scan is happening Wednesday. That should tell us a lot about my progress. Otherwise what I feel is drudgery toward more of the chemo. It’s not a fun schedule. And yet it’s the only sense of schedule I have these days. I imagine I might even miss the attentiveness of the nurses, the attention and leeway from friends and family, and having to keep to this rigorous treatment once I’m done. Kind of like Stockholm syndrome but with a disease. It’s a wary dance.

To top it off, my flaky shedding head, it’s like Ally Sheedy’s character in The Breakfast Club, where she shakes her head vigorously and dandruff and crap fall to the desk. I’m gross.

Day 91 1/9/10 Saturday

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. The bf decided to stay up late and sleep in for the hell of it. Unfortunately he woke me up coming to bed, and I couldn’t fall back asleep the rest of the night despite sleeping pills. I need so much sleep and rest all the time. Like fourteen hours worth some days. 12 hours at night and a two hour nap in the afternoon. I’m like a bear. No wait, an old cat.

Feeling a bit cabin fevery today since I’m not supposed to be out amongst people this weekend. I have no where to crash at today since most people have plans. That means I’m stuck at home for today. It’s not going to stop me from picking up an assortment of food. I wonder if a bigger place will help with some of the cabin feverness but not sure…

Day 90 1/8/10 Friday

Finally, after five days… relief. That’s four days of Miralax and a day of coffee thrown in for good measure. Stupid chemo.

Hair is barely hanging on. The bf thinks it’s hilarious to pet my head and see how much hair falls out. He seems to have made more peace with my possible/eventual baldness than I have. I’ve taken to baring my teeth and attempting to bite his hand when it comes near my head. Because I’m all mature about it that way.

On a bright note, looks like we’re the front runners for the new apartment one street over. I’m so excited though the prospect of packing and moving seem extremely daunting at the moment. I will celebrate and worry on Monday when the management company confirms whether we get the apartment for a good price or not.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 89 1/7/10 Thursday

Everything tastes blah again except for sweets. Some of the ladies from the support group say you can taste spicy and sour too, but I don’t like either of those flavors.

I have a hard time keeping track of what pills to take and consequently always late on taking them or actually forgetting for a whole day. That’s probably not good. Let me see, I have two to take nightly, one to take three times a day, one to take twice a day but only for this week, and another to take once in the morning but also for just half this week. Seriously, how does one keep track or space them out correctly?

Today’s support group was lovely as usual but also a little scary. The ladies’ stories of chemo’s cumulative effects, suffering radiation burns or the recurrence of cancer after thinking you’ve beat it - it’s all sobering. I’m trying to stay positive as it’s a new year and hey, no fights with the bf this week!

I’d really like to move to a bigger place even if it’s fiscally somewhat impractical. I was nearly led on by a scam for a beautiful place in Santa Monica. Thank goodness for my savvy brother. And damn those scammers all to hell. That pisses me off. Hopefully we can still move one street over and get a good deal. It would be something to look forward to in the near future. Other things to look forward to this year – being done with chemo and radiation, a fun new job, traveling again, possibly getting engaged, attending some close friends’ wedding, and eating whatever I want again – you know, within reason so that I can still wear all my clothes and not become a fat cow.

Day 88 1/6/10 Wednesday

The number 88 is supposed to be lucky in Chinese, but I really just feel kind of blah today. I guess you could say I’m lucky in that I don’t feel as bad as I did last time? Apparently, I snored like an old man ALL night. Poor bf. Well, at least I slept very well and all through the night. Yay for pills! Even though I was still tired this morning trying to get up before noon.

Also, yay for Trader Joe’s triple ginger thins.! They are the only things that taste good to me right now. That and my homemade iced tea and the Ghiradelli’s peanut butter chocolate squares that bf’s mother sent us. I’m so gonna be fat.

I’m in this strange cleaning phase, where I want to put away all the Xmas decorations, declutter, vacuum, etc. Except that I don’t have the energy to do it all and have to delegate vacuuming, dishwashing, and trash to the bf. This is not his day.

Day 87 1/5/10 Tuesday

This morning I blew my nose and hair fell off my head. That is so annoying. My hair thins more and more each day. Yet, it’s not quite so bad where I have a bald spot yet, forcing my hand to shave it all off. This in between stage is the pits, but maybe when I’m bald I’ll be singing another tune. For now, I shed more than my cat!

On a bright note, the doctor said four more cycles (or months) should likely do the trick for kicking the cancer’s ass. Of course, we still have to battle the ever retarded Blue Shield and get my PET/CT scans approved for next week. That way, she can check the progress to confirm her guestimate.

I also got a slew of errands done today in preparation for the next couple days of staring at the wall time. I’ve actually been waiting for the nausea and metal spoon taste to set in today, but it’s nearly 8pm and it hasn’t hit me yet. It usually hits by late afternoon but maybe I lucked out today.

Day 86 1/4/10 Monday

Round 4 (or end of cycle 2) for chemo. Pigged out on McDonalds AND sushi today, bracing myself for the next few days of eating blahness and nausea. I probably should take this opportunity to eat healthier. One of the worst news I’ve gotten from the doctor during this debacle (other than “you have cancer”) has been “if you thought this was a weight loss plan, it’s not… the (anti-nausea) meds have gotten so good, most patient tend to gain weight.”

Well great. Not trying to be all ungrateful or anything, but since I was all prepared to be puking my guts out or never wanting to eat, I figured I’d look at it on the bright side as an opportunity to lose weight. Now, the joy of eating on my good weeks, as if the apocalypse is about to rein about us at any minute, is lessened. I’m gonna be bald AND fat. Sexy.

Other than being cared for by awesome nurses, the whole chemo IV drip part is uncomfortable. The nurses have to come by every 10-15 minutes with hot towels on my arm to dilate the vein. Otherwise, it’s this unpleasant pressure on the vein akin to an awful burning sensation. Yeah, sounds horrifying to me too.

Day 83 1/1/10 Friday

Well, first day of the new year and it’s the same ole crap.. The bf is depressing the hell out of me and I have chemo on Monday. I feel like I really need to make the most of the “good” weekends and I do – I try to see friends and do low key things out of the house. However, I’d like to do more fun things with the bf without him worrying or not being in the mood that particular time. More than ever, I have a freakin schedule now and he really needs to understand that.

The support group yesterday is always good. The two ladies who run it are very smooth at keeping things running along lightly and filling in the awkward spaces when a particular member is down or in the middle of an emotional breakdown.

I unloaded a list of new symptoms on the doctor yesterday and she gave me various meds for nearly each of them. One of them seems to be the early stages of neuropathy. My fingertips are mildly desensitized and my thumb joints are aching. I’m staring to lack the strength to open caps or do anything that requires pressure on my poor little opposable thumbs.. However, now I’m yearning to play the piano!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 78 12/27/09 Sunday

Hallelujah I don’t feel like dying when I have to go to the bathroom. TMI, I know. But you grow to cherish these little basic things. It’s a gloomy kinda day and I have a touch of cabin fever as the bf and I are both stuck at home. Him, by choice and me because this is the weekend I’m not supposed to go out and play. Yet, I have no one’s house to go to as everyone else is out and playing.

The bf needs a break from me and I’m trying not to take it personally. Doctor friend and her husband assured it’s normal even if ill-timed. I also really really really wish we could go to a support group or counseling NOW. Unfortunately the one week he has off, so do all the counselors and support groups. Sigh.

Day 77 12/26/09 Saturday

Luckily, Christmas was a blast with family. My stomach was cooperative and I enjoyed some DELICIOUS food for lunch and dinner. Ahhh, that makes me so happy. I even scored some leftovers from my aunt.

I see that I’m getting sparser with my writing again like the other blog, but there are days, especially like this week when I feel so lackluster and depleted of energy and motivation. Someone, (I forget who since I’m losing my memory) told me to try to at least write one line each day, even if it’s something like “I feel crappy today.”

In some ways, chemo is getting tougher. I guess the side effects are just cumulative. My hair thins more and more each day though I guess I still look fine. Shedding so much and losing clumps of hair in the shower everyday is driving me mad. It’s only a matter of time. Everyone is always so surprised so see that I still have hair and not all pale and sickly.

The nausea seems to get worse and last longer though I have yet to actually vomit. Whew. Came kinda close at 4am last night.

My stomach has so much trouble digesting food now and man that constipation sucks. The appetite part though does have a pattern. Which could be good or bad if I can’t actually eat certain foods since my stomach has veto power.

For this past chemo session, I had the misfortune of accidentally moving the IV needle when lugging the IV rack with me to the bathroom multiple times. This resulted in the chemo not going in correctly for a minute which BURNED. I had to get restuck on my other arm and now my left arm aches. The nurse said this would last up to 3 weeks and as long as my arm didn’t change color or swell up, I’d be fine. Holy crap!

The nurses suggested a port as did my aunt who had breast cancer. Ugh. We’ll see after those PET scans in January.

I also have a weird skin thing on my stomach. About a diameter of half an inch. I think it was a rash that I scratched and now won’t heal. The bf is so worried about it, but I figure it’s just a bad scar. Will have to remember to bring it up on Thursday for the follow up visit. Man, only 3 chemo sessions down and I’m already so sick of this. At least the blood tests have lessened. AND the doctors and nurses seem very positive about how I’m reacting to the chemo in terms of not having any serious side effects and losing all the swelling. I’ll try to focus on that for now.

Day 75 12/24/09 Thursday

Christmas eve! And I could barely catch up with the spirit of it thanks to the nausea and painful constipation this week. Fun fun… I mean painful, like I thought I was going to die embarrassingly on the toilet. Sigh. I haven’t had the energy or motivation to write much. I actually haven’t the energy or motivation to do barely anything, like take care of financial loose ends and be on top of things better.

The depression and the bickering with the bf are definitely better now. Or just replaced with sickness and lack of energy. I missed the support group today because I was feeling so gross. Hopefully tomorrow my body will cooperate with the Christmas spirit!

Day 71 12/19/09 Saturday

The bf asked me what was wrong and why I looked so sad. I proceeded to explain that I felt lonely this week. Not only am I physically lonely from being at home by myself most days, but mentally lonely in this crap predicament. I still see friends all the time, but it’s been nearly 10 months since I’ve been working and having day to day interactions with people.

The bf stepped away to take a shower and came back out all depressed looking. Then he proceeded to ask me “Do you have someone who can come take care of you for a week?” Wha???? He explained that he needed to get away for a week, away from the negativity, and get refreshed. I was livid.

“I tell you I’m lonely and THIS is how you respond?

He explained that he needed to get away in order to come back and be the positive person that I needed. Still tactless in how he initially presented it and I am not happy. It was an awful, hurt filled day.

I ran errands and sat in the car to call my doctor friend and her husband for advice, since they’re likely going through the same thing. Doctor friend, of course agreed with me and understood my hurt feelings, but deferred to her husband since he was the patient and also a guy. Her husband explained “what’s one week out of 52? If he can get away for a week, he’ll come back a better person for you.” Oooook. I’ll buy it, but I’m still not happy. Plus, his way of coping is to go to sleep at like 8:30pm and hibernate. Bastard.

Day 69 12/17/09 Thursday

I completely unloaded at the support group today. I had been waiting all week and boy did it help.

Basically I’ve been kinda down. I think for the most part, I’ve tried to stay positive outwardly and inwardly but I’m getting worn down. The “off” week for the 2nd round of chemo wasn’t as pleasant as the first time. My stomach has been unhappy. And to top it off, I stumbled upon the clinic’s website, which was very informative but also depressing.

Apparently, stage 2B and bulky disease is considered advanced stages of Hodgkins Lymphoma. Imagine my surprise. Here I was thinking, whew, thank goodness I’m only at stage 2. God damn it all to hell.

What really pisses me off is that when I first got diagnoses, I didn’t have all those B symptoms. I was still ok. But by the time, I saw the oncologist, and got my staging, I was getting to be a hot mess and all those symptoms developed. In a matter of weeks, I went from early stages to advanced stages! ARGH!!!!

As I shared this news with the women of Helen’s Room, they allowed me to take up the bulk of the hour with my venting. “A”, our social worker of the group correctly explained to me that not only was it anger I was feeling, it was trauma. Finding out all this new information and constantly undergoing all these new things as I do chemo is traumatizing.

It also doesn’t help that I feel lonely in a different way. I have wonderful family and friends supporting me, but they can’t understand or empathize with this journey. I also spend the majority of time alone at home, now that I haven’t worked in nearly a year. The bf keeps having mini meltdowns and my dad refuses to let my mom tell her side of the family about me for fear of unnecessary worrying and misinformation. (You know, one family member tells another like the game of telephone, and next thing you know, all my relatives think I’m dying.)

Anyway, unloading all of this helped. I have no solutions for it, but at least I’m not cooping it all up inside for now.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 65 12/13/09 Sunday

Got through the week with on/off nausea like last time, but my stomach still feels uneasy and a bit weak. Which is such a shame because my brain and taste buds seem to have recovered enough to crave all sorts of things. I’m still tired easily and need lots of sleep. The nurses and women in the support group tell me there’s no pattern to this – that every time will be different. Sigh.

Oh yeah, I love the support group at Helen’s Room. I’m the youngest and the only non-breast cancer person, but the women are hilarious and so supportive. I also attended the orientation at the Wellness Center LA and going to the Look Good, Feel Better program tomorrow. All these support groups and programs out there for cancer patients are phenomenal. It’s not like you WANT to be a part of this club, but since you’re in it, it’s pretty special to be a part of it with all these other patients and survivors.

Day 61 12/9/09 Wednesday

Everything tastes metallic, like I’m sucking on a metal spoon. My tummy feels weird and I just don’t want to move or do anything. This day, I can tell, is just gonna be a wash. Just have to wait it out…

Day 60 12/8/09 Tuesday

Slowly losing my appetite again. Not quite nauseous but more of that weird suppressed nausea feeling in my tummy. I guess it could be worse. Don’t feel like doing much even though I’ve forced myself to do some chores. Blah kinda day.

Day 59 12/7/09 Monday

Round 2 of chemo. It still took 5 hours because the Dacarbazine burns like hell if it goes faster than the speed of a 3 hour drip. Even then, the nurses had to keep heat pads on my arm to dilate the vein. Annie said this time this must have hit a bigger more tender vein. Sigh.

Bf kept me company today though I’m sure it was a little boring for him. Packed room today. I still took the longest and was the last one there. Pooh.

Day 56 12/4/09 Friday

Today I got some of the best news I’ve gotten in awhile, especially from a doctor! After telling the Dr I was getting cabin fever and a bit depressed being trapped at home so much, she told me to go out! She ordered me to see a movie this weekend, go to the mall, go out and enjoy myself!

Apparently, the weekend before chemo will be the time I’m at my best, in terms of immune system. No masks needed, just be careful with washing hands and all that good stuff. YES!!!! I’m going to see New Moon and and indulge my inner teenager.

Day 55 12/3/09 Thursday

Attended my first cancer support group today. Claudia only had a brunette wig for me and I couldn’t quite get used to the look of it on me. Or it could also be the idea of a wig is still new. She referred me to Helen’s Room, which is run by a guardian angel named Monica.

Monica runs a completely nonprofit group that provides free wigs, hats, scarves, every possible kind of head covering… She spent an hour with me and gave me so much stuff, I felt greedy. She also invited me to stay afterwards for their weekly women’s support group

Day 54 12/2/09 Wednesday

Still crampy but I had made an appointment with Claudia at the American Cancer Society to look into a free wig and ask about support groups. I had been debating about joining a support group but maybe I need it more than I thought.

Claudia was great! I can’t believe how sincerely nice everyone involved with cancer support is. I feel like today was the first step into this whole world of cancer networking.

Day 53 12/1/09 Tuesday

Completely incapacitated today due to (of all things) horrible debilitating cramps. I was in so much pain last night that I couldn’t sleep. Tylenol is a joke.

The IVF treatment messed up my cycle and it’s as if my cramps and period came back with a vengeance of being suppressed for the last few years by the pill. I can’t wait to get back on the pill this weekend.

Can’t take ibuprofen because it’s a blood thinner, Tylenol is not strong enough, and Darvoset only seems to help a bit but make me all sweaty like I’m breaking a fever. This is going to be a looooong week if my period goes all week like it used to.

Hey to top it off, I’m extra emotional too. Whoopeeee! Can’t stop crying and I think I’m driving the bf away since emotions scare the crap out of him.

On a bright note, as I sat bawling on the couch this afternoon, Wavy IMed me just in the nick of time. AND a FedEx guy ran the doorbell with a get well gift from two of friends. Thank goodness for great friends.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 52 11/30/09 Monday

It’s been a good day. I couldn’t sleep all night due to anxiety from the blood test this morning, but I had THE BEST phlebotomist ever who managed to calm me down by chatting about cheeseburgers, found a vein, and drew blood in 20 seconds flat. Ed. How I love thee. I told him I’m going back to him every time.

(I was completely traumatized by Wednesday’s encounter at the Santa Monica Labcorp – nearly 3 hours and five painful sticks that left my poor arms black and blue. I HATE them. I was in tears when I got home.)

After the morning nausea and anxiety, I was so relieved the rest of the day that I managed to be more productive than I have been in a long time. I actually went out to lunch and ate out with a good friend. Delicious!!! Of course, we sat outside far away from other people, but it felt good to have a normal lunch with a friend and a normal appetite while enjoying some Hawaiian food and another milkshake.

I ran errands and finally wrote thank you cards to all the wonderful techs and healthcare folks I’ve encountered along the way. I resisted napping to take care of all the little things online, like finances... I’m sure I’ll crash early tonight, but it’s been such a good day of feeling normal. Hooray for these kinds of days!

Day 51 11/29/09 Sunday

The nausea has been manageable this week. I even enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with the family though I couldn’t gorge on all the yumminess like I usually do.

The bf and I went sofa shopping as my sofa suddenly seems too soft to support my constantly aching body. Perhaps I’m sitting too much? Who knows. The nice thing is afterwards, my appetite was in good spirits and an organic, no nitrates, no hormones, no antibiotics hot dog truck sat outside the furniture store. Fate? Then we washed it down with a mango milkshake. ☺ Because you know what? The food outline says I can have milkshakes since I should stock up on foods high in calories when I do have the appetite. Whoo hoo!

Most days, it doesn’t quite hit me that I have actual Cancer – feels more like I’ve just been sick with something bad for a long time. Maybe when my hair falls out it’ll hit me? I’ve been waiting with bated breath to see when that happens. I think I’m mentally prepared at this point but we’ll see. The weird thing will be losing my eyebrows. How do I make expressions? Odd.

The bf says he has the opposite experience. He can’t ever forget I have cancer and it’s all that ever occupies his mind. He just tries to maintain a positive outlook about it. Yikes.
I’m also beginning to feel the cabin fever. I miss going out to movies, concerts, special events, holiday parties…

I feel like Christmas will pass me by this year in a way because I can’t participate as much in the giving part. Money is tight and I can’t enjoy shopping in person.

I’m thankful the bf seems to be content with being a homebody and watching tv/movies every night. He’s just been more and more outstanding in terms of patience and care with me, even when I do have an irrational fit about the sofa we want not fitting into our tiny apartment.

Day 50, 11/28/09 Saturday

I finally had a moment of normalcy this afternoon when I met up with a friend for coffee. It was like old times and cancer talk didn’t necessarily take up the whole conversation. It was just part of the conversation as it’s part of my life. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to go out and just have coffee at a coffeehouse with friends later on, but I cherish this moment for now.

On a separate tangent, I notice that coffee makes my lymph nodes ache, probably because it’s dehydrating. Luckily I don’t crave coffee too much anymore. I drank it more for the social aspect and because, ahem, it helps with the constipation. The nurses tell me that those darn chemo drugs just completely slow your gut down so whatever helps! Choose your evil.

Day 46 11/24/09 Tuesday

1st day after chemo. So far so good. My lymph nodes immediately stopped aching. What a miracle! No signs of nausea so far…

Scratch that. It’s 5pm. I woke up from a nap because the anti-nausea pills make me all drowsy and now I’m nauseous. Took another pill and waiting for it to kick in. Sigh. Guess I couldn’t go scott-free for long. Drowsy and nauseous. Bleh. And trying to keep fluids going in so as not to go into toxic shock for tumorlisis or whatever they call it as the chemo flushes all this lymph node crap and dead cancer cells out of my system. I can barely keep my eyes open. Sheesh. Now I’m not sure I want to eat either. Except that I have enough food in the fridge from mom and my cousin to last 2 weeks.

Day 45 11/23/09 Monday

1st day of chemo. It went better than I expected. Even the IV part was too bad. Was just super groggy from the Benadryl they put in the IV. Thank goodness I had Sarah there to keep me company. She’s so low key and I didn’t have to worry too much about her being bored. I think the bf would have been bored out of his mind and restless for 5 hours. Right now I just feel so waterlogged but trying really hard to keep drinking as much as possible like they advised. So far so good with the nausea… crossing my fingers that it’ll stay that way. I even took a preemptive pill just in case.

I have tons of texts and emails from friends and I feel so loved.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 43 – 11/21/09 Saturday

Those crazy lymph nodes are getting out of hand. They’re starting to swell up on my throat, under my jaw and just continue to balloon up around my neck, making breathing, swallowing and all around mobility of my head kind of difficult. Yeah I’m ready to shrink these suckers down on Monday.

Last night was awful. The nodes on my neck were actually in pain. I think I might have been dehydrated from the coffee and tea since I have read that alcohol makes them ache. I wonder what happens to people who just don’t get this treated. Do they just swell up until they die? It’s so uncomfortable!

On a plus note, I’m no longer constipated from all those damn hormones and now feel like I could conquer the world. Well maybe.

Day 42 – 11/20/09 Friday

The bf and I are now the proud owners? Parents? Of half a dozen frozen embryos. Wheeeeee!!!!

Ugh, still painfully constipated. Still coughing up a lung.

Day 41 – 11/19/09 Thursday

Bwak Bwak! Egg harvesting done! I feel so much better now that I’m off all those hormones. I mean I still feel run down from the usual lymphoma symptoms but I feel a good 80% better. Well, except that I’m super constipated thanks to those drugs. And slightly crampy and lightheaded.

Day 38 – 11/16/09 Monday

Stage 2B!!! Thank god it didn’t spread. Yes, radiation on the chest will probably not be fun either, but at least no bone marrow issues. Surgery is on Thursday and chemo is on Monday. It’s finally real. And I’m still mainly just scared by the damn needles. And stressed by the bf’s fragile state of mind and health.

I ache so much. But at least the anti-nausea medicine is doing its job and I’m keeping down food. I’m so sick of feeling this way and I can see how this could mentally wear me down eventually. I need to know that it’s going to get better but I don’t think it will. I think some things might be better (no more stupid swollen lymph nodes) but I can’t even imagine what I might end up facing. I don’t want to use the bf’s downer scenario because I don’t think it will be like that. What I should do is talk to other patients and join a support group but I’m too run down.

Day 35 – 11/13/09 Friday

I’m falling behind with these journal entries. It’s been a rough week. Not only are the fevers and chills getting worse from the cancer, but now I have nausea and cramps from the hormones. This whole IVF treatment started out ok, but with each shot, every night, I feel worse and worse. Probably because I’m being pumped so full of estrogen, the doctor told me today that I’m equivalent to a pregnant lady. That explains the loss of appetite and throwing up of last night’s dinner. I sipped Gatorade and ginger ale all day, along with munching on Hawaiian bread. When I finally decided to have some dinner of chicken pho, it felt so good to eat it… now I feel slightly nauseous again. Sigh. My digestive system is completely out of whack.

I’ll be so happy when then this IVF treatment is over. Of course that means the beginning of chemo, which is beginning to really dawn on me. I’m slightly freaked out by it now that’s nearing. I was looking forward to it so I could start getting better, but I know it won’t be that easy.

What I am thankful for lately are my wonderful friends who have brought me food, helped me to get food, and just kept me company at home, especially since the bf has been working late all week. I thought I would really need them when treatment started, but I can’t believe how run down I’ve already become. Getting up and moving around is an effort. It is so frustrating to feel so crappy all the time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 27 – 11/5/09 Thursday

This morning, I had a sonogram of my heart taken and PET and CT scans of my entire upper body. It was a long morning and not the most enjoyable thing, but I’m crossing my fingers that nothing is lighting up where it’s not supposed to. I’m really hoping the cancer hasn’t spread but sometimes I worry since I feel so crappy most of the time. I feel myself deteriorating each day – the sweating and fevers are getting worse, getting more fatigued, and everything aches.

I know chemo will start in possibly 2 weeks and we just have to get through this egg harvesting thing, but 2 weeks of feeling this crappy or getting worse than I already am, is a bit frightening.
I can’t even remember the last time I felt good anymore. Everything aches. My back aches from the biopsy, my neck aches from all the swollen lymph nodes, and my head just randomly aches from time to time.

I was thinking today how difficult this must be for the bf. Being the caretaker for someone who is sick is much worse because you’re kind of helpless to do anything and have to cater to the sick person. I was thinking if the roles were reversed, I’d be so stressed and miserable.

Day 26 – 11/4/09 Wednesday

Nights and mornings are getting so hard for me. I get extremely fatigued, but then I can’t sleep well thanks to those f’in night sweats. Except they’re not just night sweats. They’re afternoon, morning, and whenever I try to sleep sweats.

I also chopped off my hair today and I actually really like it. Having that weight off of me will help me not exhaust myself blow drying and brushing my damn mane. AND hopefully it will help with the massive sweating.

I’m almost looking forward to chemo now as I’m so sick of sweating and being so achy from these ginormously swollen lymph nodes. It’s like popcorn erupted around my neck.

Day 24 – 11/2/09 Monday

Today I got a bone marrow biopsy, which if possible, no one should get twice in their life. It wasn’t the sharp pain I was expecting, but it’s a different kind of uncomfortable down to the core type of pain. Let’s just say I could feel it through my leg when she went through the bone marrow.

I’m still loving the oncologist, who seems more like a stylish fashion designer than a doctor. She has a great bedside manner and was very chatty to distract me from the biopsy. She also wants me to start chemo as soon as possible, as soon as the fertility doctor clears me. This means chemo is happening in possibly less than 3 weeks, right before Thanksgiving. NO giant feast for me!

Day 22 – 10/31/09 Saturday

We told my parents today. It wasn’t how I planned but it probably turned out better than I thought. I ended up telling my dad first during the afternoon. He looked so sad but took it in and wanted to read up on it as much as possible.

The bf and I ended up meeting our friends for lunch and some shopping and car racing for the afternoon. When we got home, my dad whispered to me that he hadn’t said anything to mom. He also advised holding off till after dinner so that she wouldn’t lose her appetite. When we finally told her after dinner, she also took it much better than I thought she would. No freaking out, no getting angry… She also just wanted to know as much as she could.

After the initial questions, my parents just kept telling stories and chatting with the bf and me. I think it made them feel better to just talk about other things. The bf has just been a champ throughout the whole process. So patient and accommodating… I really lucked out.

Day 21 – 10/30/09 Friday

The IVF coordinator called at the crack of dawn to go over the timeline and treatments. I was barely coherent but managed to write everything down and become more overwhelmed about the additional costs and how often I’ll have to go up to HRC to get checked on. My car is going to increase in mileage just from cancer!

Anyway, the bf and I headed up there at noon for our blood tests (he also needed to provide an ahem…semen analysis) and to go over the thirty page consent form. Everything was going well until we had a meltdown in the car over intimacy issues. I’m sure this is a common thing, but he’s worried about making things worse or hurting me in my state. Obviously, that’s not our only issues but in my state of feeling so ugly and unattractive, and him telling me that the excitement is not there anymore, I couldn’t stop crying. The main problem is still with his own physical issues, but everything combined together, along with knowing that soon I won’t even want to have sex is making me filled with despair. It’s been one time in the past two months. And I don’t see that improving any time soon. ☹

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 18 – 10/27/09 Tuesday

Today we met with the fertility doctor. Can we say SOOOOO SURREAL? The bf and I have barely been together two years, not married yet and now we are planning our freezing our future children.

Day 17 – 10/26/09 Monday

Met with the oncologist today. She seems so young but super knowledgeable. It was an overwhelming amount of information to take in. The good news is I won’t have to be sequestered away to a sterile environment and move home. The bad news is that it’s going to last a LONG time. Six to eight months. I was thinking three to four. The hair loss will be a certainty. I won’t be able to eat fresh fruit and veggies. Need to avoid crowded places and sick people. Mainly the bf needs to take care of himself and not get sick.

I started telling more people tonight. First it was my brother, who responded with a very loud “WHAT?!!!!!” and then made me well up with tears with how concerned and tender he was. Since he was leaving on a business trip for the week, he offered to be on speakerphone when I told our parents this weekend.

Day 16 – 10/25/09 Sunday

Heading back home today. I don’t want to get back too late for fear that my parents will see how ravaged I get late at night in the car after a few hours. After a week of nature, fresh air, little people, Vegas and its smoke and people was a horrible assault on the senses. (Not to mention scaring us hypochondriacs about germs and colds!) We just holed up in the room the rest of the night and morning, ordering room service instead of going downstairs. Ugh.

Day 15 – 10/24/09 Saturday

We’re both a little sad since the trip is coming to an end and all the fun national park stuff is behind us. Back to facing the harsh reality of diagnosis and treatment on Monday.

The mood is also sad because after visiting Bf’s childhood friend and her family, it made him want a family more. It’s not that it’s impossible for us, but it’s definitely going to be harder, even before having to face toxic chemicals ravaging my body.

BF is also worried about the H1N1 outbreak and how it’s the worst time for my immunity system to be compromised. It makes me wonder if I should move home since it will be farther away from people, more space and definitely cleaner and more sterile, not to mention 24/7 mom care. However it means living at home, not getting to see BF and just plain stuck out there. Sigh. I guess we should hold off on any decisions until Monday.

Day 14 – 10/23/09 Friday

Oh stupid lymph nodes why do you ache so much so? I did most of the driving from Yellowstone to Salt Lake City since BF drove all day for over 6 hours inside the park yesterday. However that exhausted me so much I had to pass out at the hotel. Well, actually the BF insisted I take a nap while he got me some food and took care of the laundry. I don’t know why I put up an argument… I think it’s hard for me to realize that I can’t take care of everything anymore and that that’s the way it’s gonna be for a little while.

Day 13 - 10/22/09 Thursday

We spent nearly 12 hours in the park and it was tough today. Not only because I got so easily winded from walking around the sites but because it was so freakin cold. At one point, I was so thoroughly chilled I HAD to have a hot beverage before I shut down. I know I’m worrying the boyfriend since I’m so easily fatigued and have extreme temperature changes myself.

The lymph nodes under my arm are the size of small kumquats. It’s disgustingly frightening and really uncomfortably tender. I can barely put my arms down by my side. I feel like a freak.

I had a dream last night that I was at the hospital and the technician told me I was at stage 3. When I told him the chronology of my illness, he started getting upset and tearing up. Then the doctor came over and told me that actually I was at stage 4 and that it had spread all through a few of my organs. I was so scared, sad and angry.

This likely stemmed from the discussion I had with the bf right before I passed out to sleep. (I’ve been so exhausted by this trip and in general.) I asked him point blank if it felt like I had been deteriorating the past couple of weeks physically, even before the trip or the diagnosis. And he said yes. It scared him and he tried not to think about it too much.

I felt like the deterioration coincided with the diagnosis. Maybe it’s psychological? Maybe it’s the tapering down of prednisone? Maybe it’s the exhaustion of being in different climates and extreme weathers? Or maybe it’s the exhaustion of all the driving and hiking around? Bf said no, you have slowly been getting worse.