Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 108 1/27/10 Wednesday

I have been delinquent on the entries again on account of moving matters and feeling good enough to go out and get stuff done this week. That being said, I still am easily fatigued and the nausea lingers here and there. The effects are definitely cumulative. Thank god it’s only three more sessions. The inside of my mouth already starts tasting funny just thinking of upcoming chemo next week. Often, I feel actual dread even if it’s a week away.

The fatigue makes packing and moving stuff around pretty difficult. However, true to his word, the bf has been doing most of the work and only balked once when I had to open up a box and retrieve something for my brother.

I’m wondering if the new place will help. On one hand, I have more space! On the other, I am more isolated from the outside world since our apartment will no longer open up directly onto the street like the current one. I also won’t get to see my neighbor and their dog as often.
I’m excited that I’m more than half done with chemo, but the exhilaration subsides when I realize I still have about 3 more months before I might be completely done. Still, it’s better than 5-7 months! Somehow, you just always want more.

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