I completely
unloaded at the support group today. I had been waiting all week and boy did it help.
Basically I’
ve been kinda down. I think for the most part, I’
ve tried to stay positive outwardly and inwardly but I’m getting worn down. The “off” week for the 2
nd round of chemo
wasn’t as pleasant as the first time. My stomach has been unhappy. And to top it off, I stumbled upon the clinic’s website, which was very informative but also depressing.
Apparently, stage 2B and bulky disease is considered advanced stages of
Hodgkins Lymphoma. Imagine my surprise. Here I was thinking, whew, thank goodness I’m only at stage 2. God damn it all to hell.
What really pisses me off is that when I first got diagnoses, I
didn’t have all those B symptoms. I was still
ok. But by the time, I saw the oncologist, and got my staging, I was getting to be a hot mess and all those symptoms developed. In a matter of weeks, I went from early stages to advanced stages!
As I shared this news with the women of Helen’s Room, they allowed me to take up the bulk of the hour with my venting. “A”, our social worker of the group correctly explained to me that not only was it anger I was feeling, it was trauma. Finding out all this new information and constantly undergoing all these new things as I do chemo is traumatizing.
It also
doesn’t help that I feel lonely in a different way. I have wonderful family and friends supporting me, but they can’t understand or empathize with this journey. I also spend the majority of time alone at home, now that I haven’t worked in nearly a year. The bf keeps having mini meltdowns and my dad refuses to let my mom tell her side of the family about me for fear of unnecessary worrying and misinformation. (You know, one family member tells another like the game of telephone, and next thing you know, all my relatives think I’m dying.)
Anyway, unloading all of this helped. I have no solutions for it, but at least I’m not cooping it all up inside for now.